Mamamoo debuted on June 19, 2014 under WA Entertainment (now known as RBW). The group consists of Hwasa, Wheein, Moonbyul and Solar. The KPop girl band released many collections of merchandise so far, mainly for their concert events and fan meetings.
The collectibles often feature the logos and other elements of their albums such as the full-length records Melting, 4colors and Reality in Black, along with extended plays Piano Man, Red Moon, Travel, WAW and more.
In 2016 Mamamoo held their first concert Moosical that took place in Seoul on August 13 at the Olympic Hall venue. They performed once again a day later. 7 000 people attended the concerts.
The girls prepared their first selection of Mamamoo merchandise that consists of 12 different items.
The first one is a set of 6 posters - 4 member posters plus 2 posters advertising the concert. The set comes in a black tube. The second item is a T-shirt with the Mamamoo logo in four colors on front and a colorful Moosical logo at the back. The T-shirt is available in three sizes: S, M and L. Next we have a concert fan with the photo of our girls on one side and the name of the concert on the other. Then we have one sheet of tattoo stickers with the instruction how to use it. The next product is a paper doll sticker set. You will get 8 sheets of stickers (2 of each member). Next is a deck of playing cards (trump card) with the photos of the girls making funny expressions instead of king, queen etc. The deck consists of 54 cards. The size of the card is 5.8 x 8.8 cm.
The official Mamamoo ring is the first version of the rings that were included in any concert collection. It is made of surgical steel and comes with four special photocards. The guarantee card is also added. All the items come in the tin case.
The ticket book has 24 sleeves in it that can contain a total number of 96 cards. The size of this product is 223 x 215 mm.
The other items are the first version of Mamamoo lightstick, white eco bag, slogan (60 x 20 cm) and a black snap back with a white Mamamoo logo on the side.
The first leg of the second concert of Mamamoo Moosical Curtain Call took place in Seoul on March 3, 2017. The girls performed two times more on March 4 and 5. Similar to the first concert the venue was the Olympic Hall. The three concerts gathered the audience of 10 000 people.
A selection of 10 new pieces of merchandise were prepared including the new version (2.0) of the official lightstick. The batteries (3 AAA batteries) for the lightstick weren't included in the package but there was a possibility to get them during the event.
The other items are:
Mamamoo official slogan in a pouch (the same version as in the Moosical concert collection). The second version of Mamamoo logo ring (2.0). This time you will also get 4 special photo cards and a guaranty card in a tin case. If you need something to wear you can get a black hoodie (size M or L) or a free size black ballcap with the words "I love u too".
The official earphones are one of the most interesting products you could purchase at the venue. It is result of a special collaboration between the group and Kellan LX10. The package includes also a serial number card and a warranty card.
Next we have a set of 8 posters (4 member posters, 2 unit posters and 1 group poster). The next item is a set of 10 postcards (4 postcards with the photos of members during their childhood plus 6 group postcards). The set of badges consists of 5 metal logos of their albums: Mr. Ambiguos, Uhm Oh Ah Yeah (2.7 x 1 cm), Piano Man (2 x 2 cm), Memory and Melting (2 x 2 cm). The last item in the collection is a black face mask.
The second leg of the Moosical Curtain Call concerts started in Busan where two concerts took place on August 19 and 20 at the KBS Busan Hall. The girls performed before the audience of 6 000 people.
The additional set of Mamamoo merchandise were prepared: version 2.0 of the official lightstick, set of badges - the same as the one available in Seoul concerts with additional badge from Purple album (2 x 2 cm), set of 7 posters (4 member posters, 2 unit posters, 1 group poster), new set of postcards including 12 member, 4 unit and one special bingo postcard, and finally two pieces of fashion - a T-shirt in free size and a set of three pairs of socks with words "4 with sun", "yes I am" and "140619".
The last item is a set of cosmetics from Chavi (two options were available - Type A and Type B.
On October 28, 2017 the girls held a fanmeeting at the Hwajeong Gymnasium of Korea University in Seoul. The tickets cost 55 000 won but the members of the official Mamamoo fanclub Moomoo were able to get them for 33 000 won.
The attendees could purchase one or more items from the collection consisting of 5 goods.
The first item is a set of 2 mini posters (290 x 350 mm) with the photos of the girls wearing school uniforms (all other items follow this concept). The next is a set of 8 postcards (4 member, 2 unit and 2 group postcards). Next we have a set of 5 tin badges with the faces of all members and one pin with the words "Mamamoo High School - Official Fanclub Moomoo". The last two products are a knit vest (free size) and a blanket (70 x 50 cm).
The latest Mamamoo concert 4season S/S was named after the Four Seasons project where the goal was to release a series of four albums for each season. The concert was a massive success with the attendance of 10 000 people during the two days on August 18 and 19, 2018.
The collection of 8 items was available for purchase.
The new version of the official lightstick (Ver 2.5) is the first item. The second one is a very interesting keyring that looks like a lightstick but is much smaller (55 x 55 x 115 mm). It is made of ABS, PC and Silicon. Next we have a postcard set with 22 postcards sized (148 x 105 mm). Two pieces of fashion were also available - a black T-shirt and ball cap with the letters "SWFS"" that stand for "Sun Wind Flower Sun". The sixth item is a poster set of 4 sheets with the photos promoting the concert (290 x 350 mm). Next we have a Velcro wallet made of fabric, Velcro, PVC and steel. The size of the wallet is 110 x 180 mm. The last item is a steel badge from the Red Moon album (24 x 24 mm).
Yellow Flower extended play was released on March 7, 2018. The album consists of 7 songs. Three special collectibles were also prepared for the fans: a diary (104 pages, 9 x 14 cm), steel badge (2.5 x 2.5 cm), and a sweatshirt made of cotton (free size).